It’s About Time

Kerri Albertson
2 min readJul 8, 2022

It’s about time.

Not money–or at least not ONLY money.

If you lose all your money, it’s possible to get more.

If your time runs out, though, it’s gone forever.

And yet we waste the stuff every day.

Waiting or seemingly idle time isn’t necessarily wasted time if we learn to use that space to meditate or at least focus on something other than the circling vultures of repeated thoughts.

But there are more productive ways to spend almost all of the time we allow to drift away every day, and until we claim that time and take it back for our own use, we’re giving away the most precious stuff we have.

And yet, Cathy Heller just pointed out in the podcast I listened to a few hours after I wrote that, TIME as we know it is relevant only on Earth.

Well duh, you say, that’s where we ARE. But what a freeing thought.

The calendar is only good on Earth. The clock only reflects time right where I am — not even what’s true all over this little speck in space.

Here comes the woo: We are infinite. We are spacedust. We aren’t limited by Earth time.

Our time ON Earth may be finite, but that’s not all we get. Of course, planning cosmic projects to be completed BEYOND the planet seems pretty daunting.

But I’m game.

I loved that in the Unity church they said “We have all eternity to get it right.” It took some pressure off.

I whispered it to our horse that kept running away, but he did it again the next day, and we gave him to some better equipped horse people. He wasn’t waiting.

But how do you pitch cosmic woo to an equine soul?

We are human and not horses. We can think abstractly and about the future and the past. We can make lists and beat ourselves up for not adhering to the schedules we make for ourselves, overly ambitious as they are.

So here’s to good use of the Earth time we have. Every day we have a clean slate and can give it another go. Incremental progress counts.

Give yourself a break and do what you can right now and don’t fall into the trap of thinking that resting or just zoning out sometimes is wasteful. That’s when the Good Idea Fairy bops you on the head.

Don’t confuse busy with productive.

But hug your friends and loved ones even if they roll their eyes. Don’t miss the chance to make eye contact with everyone you talk to, even the woman at the drive thru. Set some goals but don’t be rigid about it.

Do what you can with THIS moment. And then THIS one.

That’s a life. Finite but maybe enough.

You can check off your stardust to-do list later.



Kerri Albertson

That’s not just a humorous profile picture to avoid showing my real face. I am actually a talented goose who learned to type.